Streamkar Live Streaming App
2022-09-06 10:42:28 - crazy bomb
What Is Streamkar App?
Streamkar live app is a Pakistan based Live Streaming Application available on Android and IOS smart phones, It has more than 10 million downloads which itself says how big platform it is. You can meet new people and celebrities through this streamkar, It allow you to chat with live audience as well as you can explore your talent and skills. All types of talent is appreciated on streamkar app such as; dancing, singing, comedy, acting, poetry or if you are good at talking or flirting then you can use its audio streaming feature which exactly make you feel like a RJ. You can do live streaming from any place your want, It could be home, office, garden anywhere.
Many talented people don’t get platform to showcase their talent and still struggling to make name and gain fame, Streamkar app can help these talented of people who are having a hidden skills but doesn’t know where to showcase and explore their skills with the real audience.
Is Streamkar App Safe?
Safety is also one of the main concern for streamkar. They focus a-lot on their host’s security side, Their moderation team is available 24×7 to support its users, they randomly visit on different broads and instantly checkout the reported broads and users so no one can misbehave and mislead the audience.
how to earn from streamkar app?
Once You start your streaming, many people will join your broadcast from different countries and cities. If they are impressed by your talent they may send you gifts just like any other app. these gifts have real values and on streamkar you will be surprised by the amount of gifts that talented people receives. It’s very obvious that the more number of followers you gain the more gifts are expected to receive. There are gifts available with the value of 50tk – 500000tk. TK is the name of coins in Streamkar which has value in real money.
Streamkar target young girls and good looking boys, who are seeking opportunity to gain fans and earn money through their passion and skills. All they have to do is register on the application and apply for hosting under any official agency aka host recruiters. Once they get approval; their profile will automatically get set to go live, explore their talent, gain a fan base and earn money from home.
Today Streamkar has a huge user base and people in many countries are taking it as a part time career, Thousand’s of talent on streamkar says that it helped them to reach out their real audience and gain fan following on other social media network too. There are many other platforms available in segment but due to the payout, security policies and users integration hey prefer to be on streamkar. There is no restriction on talent like marketer, doctor, actor, teacher any one pursue their talent on Streamkar app.
How Do You Get Coins On Streamkar App?
Just turn on your camera and start streaming from home itself and receive gifts from the audience as an appreciation that will be count as your target and hosts receive salary on completing targets.
Streamkar has many interesting features which is actually amazing and people spend a good time on application with these functionalities. There is a feature name PK, which is a 5 minute match, where two hosts merge their stream and challenge each other to receive more gifts in 5 min time. In those 5 minutes both showcase their talent and ask fans to support them by sending gifts. People actually send them gifts in large volumes, sometimes fans spend gifts which value more than $1000 in just 5 minutes, it become very intense and serious oftenly.
There are other features too like Teen Patti, which is a card game, SKW horse race game and treasure hunt which help users to earn coins by winning matches.
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