Best smartwatches of 2022 Best Offer Only For ₹99 😍😍

2022-09-14 09:13:31 - crazy bomb


As smartwatches become more and more suited for work use, we looked at some of the best options on the market. First, we made a list of essential features to check before buying, and then we list our top picks that can enhance your workflow and provide new possibilities for your operation. No matter the position or industry you work in.

What to consider before buying?

Certain features make smartwatches convenient and productive tool. But at the same time, one or two drawbacks can screw up the whole experience. So, here are the features you should pay attention to when choosing your smartwatch:


Apple sets the bar for smartwatches every year, and the new Apple Watch Series 7 is the best device on the market you can buy right now. The highest processing power and fine-tuned OS with unrivaled support of third-party apps are the foundation of the success in the office.

Followed by elegant design, LTE support, water resistance, and many possibilities for personalization with an extensive range of braces. Advanced heart-rate monitor with electrocardiogram and SpO2 monitor can even save lives.

Battery life is still a little problematic, so you will probably need to charge it every day. However, if you are an iPhone owner, these are the smartwatches you should consider in the first place. Elegant look, powerful apps & features, and overall performance make them a perfect match for use on any occasion and especially at work


 Galaxy Watches are one of the most successful devices on the market and offers many useful features.With Wear OS now on board, the watch gets much better app support and customization option than previously with Samsung’s own Tizen OS.

Other strengths include an OLED display, optional LTE, water resistance, or NFC for contactless payments. Battery life delivers between 1,5 – 2 days of usage for one charge, which is one of the weaker points.

If you fancy a more formal design for the office, you can check the Classic model of Galaxy Watch 4.


While the Series 7 presents the top-tier device, Apple also keeps other options for customers. The Apple Watch 3 and SE are now the most affordable smartwatches in its ecosystem, providing very good value for money.

We prefer the later, as it has a fresher and classier design, perfect for formal occasions. The stellar app support and large screen make the watch a great device for smart features. But battery life should be better. It’s still a pity to charge your secondary device every day.

If the always-on display and ECG/SpO2 monitor don’t break a deal for you compared to Series 7, Apple Watch SE will definitely be a good choice.


With relatively affordable price, Fitbit Versa 3 is a good-looking activity tracking smartwatch perfectly suited for the use in office or on the go.

The lack of SpO2 sensor or advanced heart monitoring makes it less equipped than the Fitbit Verse, but more affordable price may be worth the compromise. With stellar battery life, you can get through the work week easily (but turn off always-on display for that case).

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